Taki Govt. High School is older than 125 years. Though it was taken over by the government in 1881, the actual date of its establishment has not been determined till now. Yet it is proved that this school is the oldest one in Taki. Different information about the establishment of the school is provided by different sources. Some of them are:
- Rajmohan Raychowdhury, a zemindar of Taki established the school in 1842 and it was taken over by the government in 1882.
- Taki School was first established in 1832 by Kalinath Raychowdhury and it was an English medium school at the beginning.
- Taki School was established in 1851 and this school was turned into Taki Government High School on 1st April, 1881.
- This school was established by Rajmohan Roychoudhury with the help of Kalinath Mukherjee. It was named Taki Academy at first. But later it was taken over by the government and was named Taki Govt High School. At that time students could study here from class III to class X. In 1957 the Higher Secondary course i.e. class XI was introduced. In 1966 the morning section (class I- class V) and the day section (class VI- class XI) was introduced in the school. In 1978 the Higher Secondary course including class XII was introduced.
There are several other theories about the school's establishment. Yet it can be firmly stated that Taki Govt High School was the first school in Taki introducing the first light of modern education in this town.